

纳斯否认凯利斯的家庭暴力指控 布拉德·巴克特/盖蒂图片社









第1部分。见我儿子的代价。作为一个受够了的人,我要为这些错别字道歉。今天我接到《精华》的电话,说我前妻又在做一个悲伤的虚构故事。没有什么让我感到惊讶了,包括这个。这就是你的生活给妹妹带来的?利用一些人真实的挣扎和痛苦……来找我....为了引起注意?名声?又一场对抗男性的战争?我们是一个人类大家庭,我们应该为我们的儿子做更好的榜样。 Why is there even a issue for me to have time with my son. A son needs his father. So many absentee fathers out here and here i am being attacked by your accusations simply because i got us in court to help fix this the custody matter? Why did i have to take you to court to see our son? Why when i win the joint custody ( which is a win for both of us and our son, it helps us with both our schedules) why do you feel thats an attack on you? Is it control ? Why do you need to have control over my life? because we’re not together? Then why? Is this being rewarded and praised by people who are being taken advantage of by you and your lies? To all separated couples out there who are cordial and co parent nicely GOOD FOR YOU. I wish that was me. I’m the most chill cool parent there is. Who has time to argue ? About what? It’s about our little guy. You haven’t had to deal with what I’ve been dealing with. Trust me. I’m a mild mannered god fearing very fair human being who tries his hardest to please everyone. It’s my nature. I’ve seen this too many times before And there was times i thought Kelis my ex wife was not this type. This is the type of antics that deceive people and people mistakenly call it strong. Seems I always had more belief in you than you do for yourself. I instilled strength in my daughter who you were already so jealous of and treated poorly. Being jealous & verbally abusive to a Little girl.



第2部分。在生活中,你必须努力工作才能成功,而不是试图贬低别人,那是最懦夫的方式。女人是生命的精华。我很珍惜他们。我的力量是我母亲给我的。我和她教我的一样。我在一个单身家庭里被一个单身女人养大。我是一个非常自豪的黑人。我不该忽视你的第一首歌和第一个视频我现在很恨你。但我觉得你很美。 You came into my life at a time i was grieving from my moms passing. You was a friend. Because of that i wanted to marry you. And i did. And we had a big lavish wedding. Overall there was too many good times. I have to say i wasn’t the most faithful husband. I was immature. I’m sorry about that. But you bumped your own head sis. Why do i have to live thru a constant divorce? It didn’t work out. Life goes on. I’m not coming back to you. Your married and im happy for you and I’m a extremely happy black brother out here trying to make a difference for my kids and the next generation of young people who see me as huge inspiration in music, art,business, education and so on. After 10 years of keeping my silence during a decade of dealing with very hostile behavior and verbal abuse and even your stepfather holding you back from one of your physical violent Attacks on me right outside your house THIS YEAR while trying to pick up our son while he watched from the window, it was my weekend and you denied me that because your parents were in town. I just went home. This has been my life for my son’s entire life. Even our son wonders why you treat me the way you do?



第4部分。你以前经常把我的手机关机这样我的专业人员就找不到我拿走电池了。你侮辱了我身边的所有人。我生命中没有一个人爱过你,甚至无法忍受你。幸运的是,我们的助理都签署了保密协议,否则你就会有一份名单,上面的男人和女人会很高兴地谈论你是多么的辱骂和邪恶。你自我毁灭的方式给你带来了你要处理的悲痛。不是我。你所说的争吵与大多数正常夫妻的经历没有什么不同,但你的夸张版本是不公平的。当一个人不断受到攻击时,本能的反应是限制那个人或保护自己,以防止事态升级。事后看来,我给那些遇到这种情况的年轻人的建议是,一有言语或身体虐待的迹象就逃跑。 I herd you said terrible things about me. It makes me feel sad how heartless you can be. You play with strong women’s struggles like they mean nothing. You’re taking advantage of a moment in time where women who are fighting for their lives to get justice and be treated fairly & you just looked at it as an opportunity to get ahead. Like abuse is a game? Like tearing down your son’s father is a game. You have a son! Why are you still competing with me by telling him bad things about me. Guess what sis, he has eyes and ears and smart as ever. i don’t have to say anything. I think he knows what’s really good. You will NOT stop me from fighting for my son. You tell him GOD doesn’t love his dad because his dad doesn’t goto church.



第5部分。我不想提钱的问题,但既然钱是这一切背后的动力我想说的是,在你被解雇后,我给了你成功的工具。我付了你烹饪学校的学费。我们从欧洲空运来的昂贵的黄色炉子。我帮你付了房子重新装修的钱。根据运通卡的记录,你的助手从我的邮箱里偷了几千块。在所有人中,你应该最了解我的苦衷。但你就是赢不了。我的日程排得满满的,但你从来没帮我见过我儿子。我几乎不被允许和他通电话。 Ever. My lawyer told me bring the cops to your house and show my court orders when you don’t let me get him or answer your phone but who besides you wants to show their kids that his parents are that out of control? I’ve been going thru lawyers to stop you from this bullshit for years. I finally got our custody together to work with both our schedule thru court, while leaving court you tell me your gonna get me back for fighting to see my son and 3 weeks later you’re on camera doing an interview about “your truth”. Interesting timing. Do what you want just don’t violate another court order sis because the judge won’t like that at all. The judge already ordered you to pay my legal fees because he was tired of you wasting everyone’s time in court. No lawyer wants to represent you after what you put them thru. That’s why you texted me today asking me for more child support money-and you want to keep it out court. You will NOT stop me from fighting for my son. Remember GOD sees all. And I’m no longer allowing you to take advantage of the fact that I did not want to respond in a manner that could affect my kids , friends or family publicly. THAT ENDS TODAY.

