


昨晚,在加州萨克拉门托举行的圣巴勃罗巡演会上,观众们听到了坎耶·韦斯特的长篇演讲,时长约为15分钟。韦斯特谈到了各种各样的事情,从Jay Z躲着他给碧昂斯打电话的指控,到据称碧昂斯拒绝在vma上表演,除非她能击败韦斯特的《Famous》和德雷克的《Hotline Bling》获得年度最佳视频。他还对希拉里·克林顿、巴拉克·奥巴马和马克·扎克伯格进行了抨击,在节目播出30分钟后就结束了。下面是他的演讲全文。








别说了,别说了。嘿,电台,去你的!无线电,去你的!你们都不想再输了。今晚在场的很多人都觉得自己输了。你知道为什么吗?因为你们都被骗了。谷歌骗了你。万博手机网页登陆脸书骗了你。电台欺骗了你。 Radio, fuck you! I know it’s a lot of real niggas working at radio, real people, real programming directors with wives and kids that love music, that can’t play what they want to play because they’ve been paid to play that bullshit over and over and over. And when I say that bullshit, what I'm saying is we love Drake, Drake is great. He’s a great artist. But Frank Ocean is great, too. But you know who the greatest of all of us? Who do y’all think? [Crowd shouts “Kanye” and other names] Nope. Kid motherfucking Cudi. Radio, fuck you! Oh yeah, I’m on my Trump shit tonight. Radio, fuck you. Yeah, I’m taking his lead. I’mma just say how I say, be ‘Ye, and win. I’mma take his lead. Radio, fuck you! Radio, fuck you! Wait a second. Eh, is it, “Radio, fuck you? That’s what you’re saying?” Exactly.

不要操那些在电台工作的人,因为他们是真实的人,要养活他们的孩子,他们不被允许玩真实的东西,因为他们认为,为了养活他们的孩子,他们必须一遍又一遍地播放同样的东西。我是由KMS 1抚养长大的,我是由Tribe Called Quest抚养长大的,我是由DMX抚养长大的。最后一个真正活着的黑鬼?算了,黑鬼!我们真正的黑鬼活着,我们今晚活着,兄弟!我们今晚还活着,兄弟!维吉尔·阿布洛今晚还活着,兄弟。一名AP Nast今晚还活着,兄弟。巴里今晚还活着,兄弟。伊恩·康纳今晚还活着,兄弟。 [A$AP] Rocky alive tonight, bro. Aye, y’all love my show. When I say these names, y’all better scream for me. I don’t give a fuck if you know the names or not, go ahead, Google them. They will give you a little bit of factual information. They will give you that. Why did I name A$AP? Because that’s the future. That’s the niggas they got me and Cudi [...]. It’s life.

我们在这里还有一百年的时间,在这个星球上还有一百年的时间,兄弟,我们可以有一个乌托邦。我们可以彼此相爱。但规则必须公平。Khaled和Drake,电台,Doc和[Real] 92.3以及所有人。是我的问题还是你听了太多次"你说你想免费演奏"是,是。你知道是什么吗?因为是的,我爱德雷克。我爱哈立德。但那首歌是他们编的,兄弟。 And let me tell you something: MTV, fuck you! Once again, as always. I’m on my Trump shit tonight. Let me tell you what it is, bruh. Aye, you know me. I went down seven years of my life of motherfuckers hating me for saying Beyoncé had the best video. Hey, baby, let’s rock and roll tonight. Y’all might be experiencing a lot of pop shit, but the vibes is back. The prodigal son, Kid Cudi, has returned. The vibes is back. I know it’s going to be a lot of conversations after tonight.


卡勒德,我知道你有迈阿密的打手。请不要把他们送到我的头上。我只是想跟你谈谈我们是怎么玩广播游戏的。卡立德,你真是个黑鬼。卡立德,你真是个黑鬼。你有钥匙。但当我们了解了黑鬼们多年来的政治活动。奥巴马无法让美国变得伟大,因为他无法成为他自己。黑人曾经是奴隶。奥巴马不能这么做(尖叫)还能赢。 He had to be perfect. But being perfect don’t always change shit, bro. Being perfect don’t always change shit, bro.

所以,当我谈到MTV时,让我解释一些事情。我受伤了。碧昂斯,我很受伤,因为我想展示一个名为“Fade”的视频,我不指望MTV会帮助我。韦斯特先生,我不尊重你。我要告诉你们碧昂斯今晚的《Formation》战胜了《Hotline Bling》和《Famous》赢得了最佳录影带奖他们事先告诉我了,这样我就不会跑上舞台了。嘿,兄弟,你别想耍我,但你知道我有远见,你知道我会和你保持真实。除此之外,我很受伤。我坐了七年牢就为了你的黑鬼!不要[…] no shit while I'm talking. I am putting my career, my life, my public well-standing at risk when I talk to y’all like this. This is a moment in the [...], bro. The vibes is back. The vibes is back. Motherfuckers might feel a way about this tonight. Beyoncé, I was hurt because I heard that you said you wouldn’t perform unless you won Video of the Year over me and over “Hotline Bling.” In my opinion—now, don’t go trying to diss Beyoncé. She is great. Taylor Swift is great. We are all great people. We are all equal.

但有时,我们玩了太多的政治,忘记了我们是谁,只是为了赢。他妈的赢。他妈的看起来很酷。他妈的看起来很酷。去他的酷。去他的,兄弟!我一直坐在这里告诉你们我的真相甚至冒着生命危险。即使拿自己的成功,自己的事业冒险。我一直坐在这里告诉你们真相。Jay Z,回我电话,兄弟。 You still ain’t calling me. Jay Z, call me. Aye, bruh, I know you got killers. Please don’t send them at my head. Just call me. Talk to me like a man. I’m not trying to be男人。我只是一个伙计,和这里的其他人一样。我不在你们之上,也不在你们之下。我们是平等的。我们是平等的。这就是气氛,兄弟。这就是未来。这是让美国再次伟大的思考方式。哈!你不喜欢那样!你猜怎么着? Y’all need the vibes. I was hurt. Feelings matter, bro. The way motherfuckers put money up so high, popularity, radio spins. Feelings matter, bro. Feelings matter, bro.


这是一个新世界,希拉里·克林顿,这是一个新世界。感情问题。因为你猜怎么着?美国中部的每个人都有自己的想法,他们向你展示了自己的想法。感觉很重要,兄弟。这是一个新的世界。这是一个新的世界,巴拉克。这是一个新的世界,Jay z,别派杀手来杀我,兄弟。这不是马尔科姆·艾克斯的电影。我们从那一刻开始成长。 Let ‘Ye be ‘Ye. And wait a second. Do y’all agree with that? Let ‘Ye be ‘Ye. Wait a second. I ain’t hear enough screams on that. Let ‘Ye be ‘Ye.


马克·扎克伯格,你现在想给我打电话吗?我有远见吗,马克·扎克伯格?你错了吗?我说我欠了五千三百万你没打电话给我,你错了吗?你吃了晚饭,你邀请我的朋友安东尼·席勒和我共进晚餐。我跟你说过唐达的事。你说过你会帮忙,但你没有。然后你去找外星人了。我和库迪小子是外星人,兄弟。气氛又回来了。 [Talking to DJ] Take it all the way back to the beginning. Shia LaBeouf, Kid Cudi feels a way. Give him a call.


Q-Tip,我爱你,兄弟。但别告诉我怎么做我自己。我爱你。Tribe专辑太棒了。我爱你。但别告诉我怎么做我自己。我一直都是我。我就是我。有一个理查德·普赖尔的采访你可以看到人们掌握了权力并没有改变一切只是成为权力的一部分。音乐家就是这样,因为他们害怕。 I’m not scared. I’m here to change things. I am here to change things. And things won't change until people admit their own falsehoods. I got the visions, bro. That’s what I’ve been blessed with. My vision. I’m not always going to say things the perfect way, the right way. But I’m going to say how I feel. Right now, press get ready to write your passive-aggressive, LeBron James, racist comments. Season 4, racist comments. Get ready to have a field day, press. Get ready, get ready. Because the show’s over. [Drops mic]
