Give Us The Strength To Hope

Before America elected Donald Trump as its president, Derek “Fonzworth Bentley” Watkins wrote a benediction for the next edition of our print magazine, The Faith Issue. In the coming weeks, we will be sharing stories from that issue, accounts of hope and belief, and how they are tested and provoked. We are publishing Bentley’s prayer today because we are frightened, and looking for strength.


Father, you are the author and finisher of our faith. I thank you for your word and I come boldly to the throne of grace. Bless our families and bless us to find the same level of empathy for our fellow man and woman that we share with our sisters and brothers. To those who are struggling, help them to understand that after the darkest part of the night there is sunlight. Let your presence in our lives give us the strength to hope, to believe, and to trust. Light a fire in the hearts of leaders who don’t know that they are leaders yet. Help us to look for ways to be better than we were yesterday. I pray that those impacting culture do it not for themselves but to add value and uplift others. There is no future without forgiveness. The earth is crying out. Our protectors are hurting us. Instead of repainting over tags let us examine them so we know how to better love humanity. Let us feed the homeless and when we don’t have it I pray we at least give a smile and acknowledge them as people instead of fixing our eye forward as if they don’t exist. Help us to see the green lights of opportunity and slow down when we know that our inner voice is telling us to, even if others are driving in the fast lane. Help us to stop and recognize how blessed we are and be grateful that you gave us the gift of life today. You are the breath of life. So what are we breathing into? Our youth, our elderly, our families. Help us to understand that your economy is an inexhaustible resource and when we sow our time, talent, and money into it we will reap above and beyond what we could ever think or ask. That voice inside of us that wants more — I know that’s you! I decree we hear that voice and I bind the distractions of life. I thank you for stepping in. I thank you for being the in-between. Your word will not return void. Love conquers all. In the name above every name I pray. Amen.


— Derek “Fonzworth Bentley” Watkins

Give Us The Strength To Hope