

27岁的阿比·雅各布森(Abbi Jacobson)和24岁的伊拉娜·格雷泽(Ilana Glazer)在纽约通勤,吃三明治,有时还和失败者发生关系,这已经持续了大约五年的时间,他们在“正直公民旅”培训中心培养了自己的喜剧才能和友谊。与广泛的城市雅各布森和格雷泽证明,她们不仅有能力独立完成自己的事业,而且有清晰的思路和良好的直觉,可以为20多岁的女性发声。

艾比·雅各布森:我去了巴尔的摩的艺术学校,然后我搬到纽约去大西洋戏剧学院,马上就讨厌它了。我必须决定辞职还是不辞职。我哭着打电话给我爸,我说,我该怎么办?我离开了大西洋大学,开始在“正直公民大队”上课。ILANA GLAZER:我在长岛长大。我哥哥比我大四岁,他说什么我就听什么。他在我14岁的时候去了纽约大学,我当时想,我也要去纽约大学。我哥哥想上喜剧课。他有点娘娘腔,所以他等我搬过去,然后我们开始一起上UCB的入门课101。101是为任何想要适应冒险的人准备的。 It’s what college is supposed to be. People talk about the craziest, most embarrassing shit. My parents were paying for NYU, but I was paying for all my comedy classes. JACOBSON: After the first class, people start dropping out because it gets harder. If you stay in, you realize you care a lot more than you thought. GLAZER: You care a lot, [so you form] practice groups and work with people outside of class. The practice team we were on together worked every Thursday night for two years. JACOBSON: We paid for a coach, a room and got no money or anything tangible back. GLAZER: Just an extracurricular activity.


你为什么离开UCB?雅各布森:我们创办大城是因为我觉得我在即兴表演方面很失败。格雷泽:UCB有以哈罗德结构命名的球队,这是一种即兴表演。哈罗德团队每年都有一次海选。这次有500人参加了试镜,只有10人被选中。雅各布森:这就像在橄榄球队,当四分卫。多年来,我一直局限于即兴发挥,试图进入那些球队。但我上了一门课,有点像人生教练。它是关于为自己设定目标和创造素材。我有了足够的自信,觉得自己很有趣。我需要证明我能生产出别的东西。 We were both like, We could just do us. GLAZER: Abbi and I had a dynamic that made us laugh. It was a ball-busting relationship, but whenever we busted each other’s balls, there was no fear. JACOBSON: Broad City’s about us, but if we’d met and hadn’t ever done comedy. The characters are ambitious, but in a confused, vague way. GLAZER: You’re seeing my wild half and Abbi’s conservative half. JACOBSON: A lot of people think Ilana is this crazy, sexy slut girl, and I’m prude and insecure. But we have to exaggerate to distinguish ourselves. GLAZER: Because we look like two Jewesses. People aren’t used to seeing two similarly bodied women act together. Usually you’ve got either a dumb bitch or an annoying bitch. Either really skinny or fat. We’re in the middle.

